Friday, May 16, 2008

Oh me oh my...

Okay, well....this is my first official post. Please excuse me, I haven't quite figured out all this stuff.... Flyin by the seat of my pants here. I am a nursing student and will hopefully be graduationg in December. YAY!! I love to do all kinds of things and never have time to any of it. The newest possible adventure I may be going on is a Cruise to the Caribbean...I'm so excited. My problem is that I am very overweight and DO NOT want to go on this trip fat. I hate it. You know I wonder why it is that I can continue to live in a manner that I hate.
I will never be a twig and honestly dont want to be. I just want to be healthy and comfortable in my body. Thats the most important part to me....being comfortable. I just turned the big 30...and I still feel like I'm in my 20' just want to get comfy thats my goal. I need to lose at least 50 lbs to do that. So I started I started taking Alli and its making me very aware of what I am eating. One of the side effects is fatty and if u eat too much's uncontrollable. I dont want to have any issues in that area...especially since I wear all white in my clinicals for school. NO WAAAAYYYY! lol.
So, today is my day off and I decided to try it out. We'll see...
In other news, my younger sister is graduation High School...crazay! Can't believe it! Life goes so fast! Speaking of is going pretty darn fast and I got some errands to run. Catch ya Later!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

yay! you have a blog! i'll be adding you to my blog roll! :)