Thursday, February 5, 2009


OOOHHHH Damn! I worked out today for the first time in 3 years! I am SOO happy that I finally got my butt in there. Its sad when you think about going all the time and never go. I am also going to my first weight watchers meeting tonight with my family. We'll see how it goes. I really want this...but I'm scared that I am gonna screw it up and not do well. I dont want to look like this sucks.

Anyway, things are going well..I'm working..trying to get myself to study for my state exam that I take next wednesday..which isnt really happening..oh well. Alrighty..enough of the peppy talk..sheesh..Imma downer. LOL! Laters :)

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Well, I have been a busy bee. First, I started work at Redlands hospital. I was a little say the least..about going back there after the way they treated me. FYI- they called me up the day before they hired me back on to tell me they never had any intention of taking on a person like me. They were horrible.

Annnyway...It was good :)

On my day off I went to the mall because they were giving away free me and my friend Jeanine went to like every provider..hahaha..we got so much stuff...and it was sooo fun.

Then on another night..cant remember which..we went ice skating! Joey's first time and I hadnt been since I was like ...five. Soooo fun! I was actually doing pretty good, then a girl looked like she was gonna fall in front of me and I went to move outta the when I brought my foot back up..the toe pick caught on the ice and I did a "superman" on the ice..bruised my knees! ROFL!! What a sight that must have been..hahahaha..I was covered in ice when I stood up. Wish I coulda got a picture of that. I have never had so much fun!

HAHAHA! Goofy flippers huh??

We also went to the Wild animal park in San blast. Lots of hiking action..with animals and fun to be had.

This pic is my son with his new stylin do..he picked it..wanted to be like his Uncle Matt.

We had just gotten there..hardly anyone there and we had so much fun..runnin around like a bunch of kids..was cool!

He is growing up so fast..gonna be nine in April....yikes! Where did the time gooooo????
He wants to have a pirate party and to go to Disneyland..we'll

I am soooo excited about life! And apparently its been showing! My mom asked me why I've been so happy sad that she asked..but ..oh well! Lifes too short! Loves ya all! Laters

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Well, I have been asked to be a bridesmaid for the first time ever which is waaaay cool. Well...there was one time my friend had us go to the court house to get hitched..and I stood next to her...but I'm not sure if that technically counts...LOL! So we went to Davids Bridal on Saturday..and actually found the dress already. Good LORD its sad how much weight I've gained. I think I finally saw myself..I mean truly saw myself..for the first time the other day. Made me really sad. I stayed like all day in my room after that. I felt like life was slipping through my fingers and I hadnt even lived a portion of what I want to. I journey isnt ovber yet..but when I started thinking..I only have 10 years till fourty..then I'm close to my moms age..and I so dont wanna live my life how she does.

I went iceskating yesterday too! So fun! Some girl started to get in front of me at one point..and I had actually gotten my speed up pretty fast..and tried to get around her. I did but when i brought my foot back down my toe pick caught and I did a SUPERMAN on the ice..LOL!!!! Ohhhh maaan that was funny..though knees are bruising. I would love to keep going..I think we are going to. So, after my loss of life apifany..I decided the only thing I can do

I also start work tomorrow. Kinda excited..just for the paycheck..but otherwise..not at all because of the way they treated me when they finally called me back. I dont understand why any human being wounld treat anyone that way..anyway...hooray for tomorrow :)

So...Thats it for now..hope ya'll have a great weekend

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Possibilities :)

I started looking at houses the other day...just to do something out of the norm..dream a little. I was looking over near my old stomping the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas. I have always wanted Joey to go to my high was a really good one. So I found my dream house..this is the house!! Its amazing..its only 30 minutes to Fresno, work and friends and close enough to have the environment I was looking for and love! I dont know what will happen..but I seriously started crying when I saw it...its like a dream come true. It is very nice to dream though...very nice..

Monday, December 22, 2008

All is well...

Okie doke, they got in last night, WOOT! So..I can breathe better now. So, I am looking forward to getting into the Christmas spirit some more..yay! I will update later when I have more to talk about =D

Sunday, December 21, 2008


First..I graduated. I am very happy, but it still hasnt really hit me yet. I am looking for a job right now..YAY!!..MONEY!!! I am starting to get excited about the holidays, seeing my family again..and getting ready to lose all that nursing school weight..I have gained over 60 pounds since I started VN school till the finish of RN..YUCK! the real reason I'm writng..I am totally terrified right now

Andrew left for Washington on Friday..and I havent heard from him at all. It really scares me. He had a dream the night before about getting into a car wreck...but he said he was just going to be more careful on the road and he would at least send me a text at night to let me know he is ok..I havent gotten anything..which is totally not like him. I thought..well...maybe they didnt get reception..but we are working on the third day here...and last message was from him the morning he left telling me he loved me.

So, I asked our friend David if maybe he had heard from him..nothing. Then I wrote another friend Lori if she had heard from them yet...I thought..there is a very likely chance that he was just unable to use the phone..and I just wanna know if they are ok..

She hasnt read the letter yet...unfortunatley... I just pray everything is ok..I'm sure it is..its the not knowing that is killing me. just wait...

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Ok, so today I trecked to the school and took an NCLEX predictor test to see what my chances are of passing the test the first time. I got a 96% chance of passing so now I am on my way to starting the preparation process for the final. The instructors gave us a kind of layout on what they are going to be focusing on for the final. So...hooray for that. Anyway..I'm off to get started..they said they will be callin us monday after the final if we fail, otherwise we are to go to the rehearsal the next day. *biting fingernails* Alrighty..I'm off! Laters!